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Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)

Are you planning to translate your website into other languages?

Currently our reports and website are being available in English and hindi. Once the website is online in these languages, we consider translating it into other languages. However, these languages need to be carefully chosen for several reasons: a) Translating the website is quite elaborate and costly. It involves the translation of hundreds of pages of text and complex software resources. Therefore we can only translate into languages which offer a reasonable market for our products

What can astrology do for me? What are its limits?

This is what astrology can offer you a deeper understanding of yourself, your partner, your child ... clues on your strengths and weaknesses, on challenges and chances in your life ... a closer look at life cycles and topics which are relevant at a certain point in your life ...

How accurate must I be?

The more accurate you can be, the better. There are a number of techniques which require precision up to the minute. Even a computerised interpretation can change entirely from one minute to the next, for example if the Ascendant changes signs. But these occasions are relatively rare, and usually it is sufficient to have precision of about 15 minutes for the birth time and around 30 kilometres for the place of birth.

Is the Relationship Horoscope only accurate for love relationships or can it also be applied to other kinds of partnerships?

Even if our Relationship Horoscope and other partner-related horoscopes are written and worded for love relationships, they can still be applied to other kinds of close human relationships, e.g. in families, among non-couples living together or for work place human relationships. The reader has to transpose the text in his/her mind, to translate the love-related expressions to a more general relationship context. The principles which are active between two particular persons remain however the same.